There are many rumors going around about Calimesa Country Club. One is that the course will be permanently closing sometime during the week of August 20. This rumor has not been confirmed. The Board has looked at the recently revised 2017 Tournament Schedule and has decided to keep it as is. If Calimesa Country Club does close, the remaining tournaments scheduled at Calimesa will be rescheduled or canceled. If this rumor is true and not knowing if there will be an opportunity to play Calimesa again, the Board has decided to schedule a skins game on Sunday, August 13. $20 for gross and net skins. Shotgun start at 8:00. Contact Tournament Chairman, Doug Owens (909-649-1963 /, to register.
For those that didn't know, the Membership roster is posted on the website. It shows phone numbers and email addresses of all Members. Some of the information may be out dated. Click here to view the roster. If any information needs to be corrected, please send an email to
The Club Championship will be held on August 19 and 20 Morongo Golf Club at Tukwet Canyon. This is the second of the three annual majors sponsored by the Men's Club. This is a two day aggregate score tournament played from the blue tees on the Champions Course and is flighted. There are three flights (Championship, First, and Second) and all members participating will be assigned to their flight based on their current handicap index as of 8/15/17. Regardless of flight, any member is eligible to win the Club Championship. Eligible members must have played in at least two Club tournaments in 2017 in order to be eligible to participate in the Club Championship. There will be shotgun starts both days. Saturday pairings will be assigned by flight and handicap index. Sunday pairings will be assigned by flight and order of finish on Saturday. An optional skins game (gross and net skins) will be played for $20.
There have been a few instances with Members hitting into the group ahead of them during tournaments at Morongo Golf Club at Tukwet Canyon. The courses are new to us and judging distances may be challenging until we become more familiar with the them. Additionally, there are several blind shots that exacerbate the problem. Use the GPS on the carts to identify where the carts are in the group ahead. When in doubt, take the time to drive past the blind spots to make sure it's all clear. Let's be safe!
The year to date payouts have been updated through the tournament played on 8/1/17. Click here to see who the leading money winners are.