Calimesa Men's Golf Club © 2013 All Rights Reserved

The Calimesa Men's Golf Club

NEWS - July 2016

  • The Club Championship was play on June 11 and 12.  Robert Cleland took first place in the Second Flight for the second consecutive year.  In just his second year as a Member of the Men's Club, Justin Mallinckrodt won the First Flight.  The 2016 Club Champion is Michael Ebert.  He edged out Paul Christianson by one shot with a two day total of 147.  Congratulations to our Champions!

  • ​The Yu-Cal Cup is back!  After last year's highly competitive matches, The Yucaipa Men's Golf Club is anxious for the opportunity try to take the cup away from us.  The first match will be held on July 17 at Calimesa Country Club.  Members that would like to play in the Yu-Cal Cup need to participate in the Yu-Cal Cup Qualifier Tournament on July 10.  This is an individual low gross/low net tournament but will also qualify the 20 low net Members for the Yu-Cal Cup matches.  Click here for details on the Yu-Cal Cup matches.

  • Calimesa Country Club has implemented a new computer system.  The good news is, the old scrip book has been retired and all balances have transferred to the new system.  Members can use scrip in the pro shop for green fees and merchandise and at the bar/restaurant for food and alcohol.  Members will need to provide their name and may be asked to provide a drivers license to ensure scrip is deducted from the right Member's balance.  The new system provides better accountability, reduces errors, allows real time posting so balances are always current, and gives Members more options on how scrip is used.

  • Are you receiving emails about tournaments, newsletters, club information, etc.?  If not, please send an email to to be added to the email list.

  • Due to a continued interest by Members in having tournaments on Saturday, the Men's Club has worked with Calimesa Country Club to have a skins game one Saturday a month.  The skins games are tentatively scheduled for 7/2, 8/13, 10/1, 11/12 and 12/10.  It will be a shotgun start at 8:00 am.  Bruce Torola will be running the Saturday skins game and is the point of contact to register.  The deadline to register is Wednesday of the same week.  Bruce must confirm how many Members are playing with Calimesa Country Club by Thursday morning.  Call,text or email Bruce to sign up  ( / 951-300-7064).  Members may also register by clicking here.

  • ​There are several obligations the Board has to the membership as stated in the Club Constitution and Bylaws, one of which is providing a uniform system of handicapping.  The Handicap Committee does all that they can to create a level playing field for the Membership.  Members also have hand in handicapping.  Members have an obligation and a duty to follow and enforce all USGA, SCGA and Local Rules during tournament and non-tournament play.  Handicapping is only effective when the Membership is actively involved in the process.  Members can always come to the Board with an questions, concerns, or to report a Member violating the rules.

  • Calimesa Country Club blocks off a set number of tee times for Club tournaments a year in advance.  If 20 tee times are blocked off in January for a tournament in September and it turns out the Tournament Committee only needs 15 tee times, the course may have turned away golfers seeking a tee time.  That's prime Sunday morning tee time green fee revenue that's lost.  Over the next few months, the Men's Club will be implementing a cutoff day to register for a tournament.  Members will need to register by Thursday for a Sunday tournament of the same week.  Members may register through this website, can sign up at Calimesa Country Club or call, email or text the Tournament Chairman, Doug Owens (909-649-1963 /

  • Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Saturday tournament scheduled for May 14 was rescheduled to May 15.  The Tournament Committee has rescheduled the tournament for September 10.

Michael Ebert
