The Calimesa Men's Golf Club

NEWS - May/June 2021

Calimesa Men's Golf Club © 2013 All Rights Reserved

  • The first major of 2021 is in the books.  Sergio Michel

      captured the President's Cup on the 17th hole at Oak

      Valley Golf Club in a highly competitive match over

      Dick Pulsifer.  Dick will take Vice President's Cup honors.

      Rick Arnold played David Goodrich in the consolidation

      match.  David captured the Treasurer's Cup and Rick

      is the Secretary's champion.  Congratulations to all of

      our champions!

  • Being a Member of The Calimesa Men's Golf Club includes following the USGA Rules of Golf.  Members are expected to recognize when they have breached a rule and to be honest in applying their own penalties.  Situations may occur when a Member doesn't know that they breached a rule.  In order to protect the field, other Members are encouraged to bring the rule breach to the attention of the Member immediately.  Alternatively, Members can inform the Tournament Committee of the rule breach so that it can be addressed with the Member who breached the rule.

  • The annual Spoto/Ebert Invitational in Laughlin, NV is set!  There are 56 players making the trip this year.  Good luck on the course and in the casino to those that are going.  Additional information and trip details can be found on the Spoto/Ebert Invitational web page by clicking here.

  • ​The Board and Tournament Committee will occasionally adopt local rules or make decisions deemed necessary for tournament play.  These rules and decisions are recorded in the board meeting minutes and also posted on the Club website.  The intent is to have clear direction with regards to certain situations so that all Members are playing by the same rules.  Click here to see the Board Adopted Rules & Decisions

  • The 2021 tournament points leaderboard has been updated through the tournament played on 5/23/21.  Click here to view the point leaders.

  • The Tournament Committee is working on the Tournament Schedule for the second half of 2021.  Some of the courses that are being looked at are Rancho Del Sol, Soboba Springs, Tahquitz Creek, and Arrowhead in addition to Seven Hills, Hemet, and Oak Valley.  Contact the Tournament Committee or any Board Member with suggestions on courses to host tournaments.

  • Effective immediately to eliminate any confusion with the closest to the pin, please write the total number of inches in lieu of feet & inches.

  • Just a reminder that when signing up for a tournament, please contact Tournament Chairman, Doug Owens (909-649-1963 / by calling, texting or sending an email.  Posting a comment on Facebook about playing on Sunday won't get it done.  One Member telling another Member doesn't always work either.  When Doug receives a phone call, text or email, he will respond to confirm its been received.  If no confirmation is received, please follow up with another phone call, text or email.

Michael Ebert
