NEWS - September/October  2019

The Calimesa Men's Golf Club

Calimesa Men's Golf Club © 2013 All Rights Reserved


  • The  2019 Club Championship was played on August 10 & 11 at Morongo Golf Club at Tukwet Canyon.  Congratulations to Paul Christianson on capturing his fourth career Club Championship and third in the last five years!  John Kereki and Justin Mallinckrodt tied for second place in the Championship Flight.  Josh Alesi dominated the First Flight beating Glenn Young by eight shots.  Brian Amador edged out Wayne Johnson and Larry Karr to win the Second Flight Championship.  Congratulations to all our winners on a well played tournament.  Click here to view the complete 2019 Club Championship results.

  • The YTD tournament point list has been updated through the tournament played on August 25.  Click here to see the point leaders.

  • The final major of 2019 is upon us.  The Senior/Super Senior Club Championship will be held on September 21 & 22 at Morongo Golf Club at Tukwet Canyon.  This is a two day aggregate score tournament played from the white tees and is flighted.  There are two flights (Senior and Super Senior) and all members participating will be assigned to their flight based on their age as of 9/21/19.  The Senior Flight includes members 50 - 59 years old and the Super Senior Flight is for members 60 years old and older.  All members that fall within the age ranges are eligible to participate.  There will be a 7:30 am shotgun start on Saturday and Sunday.  Saturday pairings will be assigned by flight and handicap index.  Sunday pairings will be assigned by flight and order of finish on Saturday.  An optional skins game (gross and net skins) will be played for $20.  Junior members (18 - 49) are welcome to play in the skins game on Sunday.

  • Just a reminder that the tournament scheduled on September 8 is combined with the Yucaipa Valley Men's Golf Club.

  • Summer is winding down coming to an end.  The hot weather will start to cool down.  Therefore, tournaments will no longer start at 7:30 am as of October.  Tournaments will go back to shotgun starts at 8:00 am.  The exception is the tournament scheduled for October 20 at Tahquitz Creek Golf Resort.  That will be a 7:30 am shotgun start.

  • The Tournament Committee has seen an continuous improvement with Members signing up for tournaments early, checking in on time, and gathering up for final tournament announcements prior to teeing off.  However, there is always room for improvement.  Don't assume what the tournament format is or what the rules of play are or what the hole assignments are.  Read each email that is sent out, ask questions when checking in before a tournament, and be present for final tournament announcements because things can change at the last minute.  Members have a responsibility to take the initiative to be informed for each tournament.  Tournament Chairman, Doug Owens has done an outstanding job for many years.  Each Member that does his part makes Doug's that much easier.

  • The Tournament Committee is starting to work on the 2020 tournament schedule.  A majority of the tournaments will continue to be played at Morongo Golf Club at Tukwet Canyon.  The Board has discussed hosting tournaments at Soboba, Yucaipa, Oak Valley, Arrowhead and Tahquitz.  Members that have any preference on where tournaments are played should provide feedback to a Board Member.

Michael Ebert
